
2024 三月 20 - 2024 三月 21

PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair

PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair

PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair gathers designers, product, purchasing and material managers together to share the latest trends and innovations in the functional fabric industry. The 2024 fair is taking place on March 20-21 in Munich, Germany at Messe München. L&L Products is thrilled to be hosting a booth in the Sustainability HUB and showcasing our latest CCubed™ technology line. CCubed™ is L&L Products’ innovative cushioning material engineered to optimize wearer comfort through novel and best-in-class sweat management.

For more information on the L&L Products booth at PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair, contact [email protected].


Kristi Hanson
Kristi Hanson Send me a message


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